Babies: 0 - 3 Months

At my wits end!

I don't know what to do anymore. For the past two weeks or so DS has been making these awful grunting and straining sounds at night mixed with cries. Up until two night ago he would sleep great until about 3:30 in the morning when the straining and grunting would start, then I would feed him and he would settle down until about 6:30. Now it is starting at 12:30 or 1:00 and continues on. He will make these straining and grunting noises that sound like he is trying to take a large poop and then sometimes he will let out a shriek and then settles down for a couple of minutes before starting again. DH says the noises he makes are like the ones when I was pushing trying to deliver DS. I've tried everything I can think of, Mylicon drops, Dr. Brown's bottles, rubbing his tummy, bicycling his legs, gripe water, and nothing really seems to help.

He does have reflux and about two weeks ago the doctor said to start giving him 3 tsp of rice cereal in his milk at night to try and keep it down. I am wondering if the rice might be messing up his system somehow. He is still having poop diapers but they mainly seem to be during the day and the night ones dont have as much. I've also thought about trying formula at night because it is a little heavier and I might be able to omit the rice (Right now I BF with a bottle). Also, at night it seems that when DS has reflux that also seems to trigger the grunting/straining.

DS does sleep in our room in his Rock and Play. I have started thinking about moving him into his own room. He wears a movement monitor and I have a video monitor. I just don't know if moving him into his own room and turning the monitor down would help especially when he is making the shrieking noises. I guess I am just afraid to move him out of our room for fear he will need me in the night or he will choke when he has the reflux and I won't hear him.

What do you ladies suggest?


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