3rd Trimester

shes here! <3 birth story

wow, what an incredibly amazing experience...i went in early tuesday morning to have my water broken. My water was broke at 9:10 a.m. They then decided to give me a small dose of pitocin about an hour later..around 10:30. Contractions started picking up..it wasnt till around 11:15am when the contractions were at the most intense, i told my nurse that i felt like i had to push, all i remember at that point was her rushing around getting everything together, calling in for someone to get my dr. there ASAP. The nurse checked me and said i was 8-9cm...it was only 2 mins later my dr came rushing in...3 pushes later my beautiful 6lb 12oz baby girl was born at 11:48a.m. I am SO gratful to have had such a quick and easy L&D :) The feeling was indescribable! From the moment she was born i held her as we stared at her for 2hrs.

  Delainey Sean - 3 days old

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