3rd Trimester

Induction w Unfavorable Cervix? Ugggh xp Feb12, high risk

I am advised against going past 40w because of GD. Yesterday I was given the option of inducing at 39+4 or at 40. I also learned that my cervix is closed, long, and the baby is at -3 station.They would do 12 hours of Cervadil followed by pitocin.

We opted for the 39+4 date for a few reasons that made sense yesterday (some better than others), but I woke up today more wary about being induced with an unfavorable cervix and I wonder what your thoughts are (should I call and reschedule? what are the odds the 4 days could make all the difference?)

The reasons we preferred 39+4 are that I am worried about the placenta degrading and her being at risk (this is a GD thing, my doc hasn't said mine looks in bad shape yet or anything, but I kept thinking while we were deciding how angry I would be at myself if I chose to wait and then the placenta failed), that date would allow more time for my husband to be home with us postpartum, I have been contracting on and off for a week now and am quite uncomfortable so sooner is appealing, and if I am honest with myself part of it is probably also just excitement at having her sooner

Now I am second guessing and would appreciate your thoughts.  


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