Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleeping Questions

My LO is almost 7 weeks old and I really don't have a complaint about her sleeping patterns, just a few questions and "i wonders" about what everyone else is doing.


Right now my LO feeds almost like clockwork every three hours during the day.  Usually around 10:30-11pm I give her the last bottle and she usually doesnt finish the whole thing because she falls asleep, then sleeps a good four hours before she feeds again. Its getting longer and longer at night.   Last night she slept from 11-5am (THRILLED).

 She tends to sleep in SHORT cat naps during the day, unless she is in her car seat where she sleeps longer.  


What I am wondering is if I should try starting more of a "schedule" for her naps and if I should start trying to get her to bed earlier....or just keep doing what I am doing and as she gets older put her down earlier.  It would be nice if she went to bed earlier so DH and I could have an evening not baby centered, but I also like not having the 2am feeding (because she is feeding later in the evening)


I feel like Ive read that everyone has some "system" they have read about and I am just kinda going with her cues.


Sorry if my post seems random and all over the place, just curious as to what others are doing! 

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