
If you have had your 2nd or preg with your 3rd or more?

My DS will be 2 1/2 when this baby is born and I am worried how he is going to take me being gone for 3-4 days. I know that he will come visit in the hospital but will he understand why im there. Did DC stay home with dad or stay by someone else so dad could be at the hospital with you? How difficult was it taking care of an older child after having a c-section? TIA!

Married since June 2007 ~ TTC June 2007 BFP #1 8/24/07 ~ M/C 10/31/07 Emergency D/C (8w) BFP #2 5/22/09 ~ DS born 1/30/10 BFP #3 8/22/11 ~ EDD 6/2/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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