3rd Trimester

Pyloric Stenosis...

So I am not into the 3rd tri yet, but I thought that you guys would provide better feedback for my question.

Background:  I already know that my husband and his father had Pyloric Stenosis.  My FIL did not have the surgery to correct it (not sure if it was done in the 1940's), so he was sickly as an infant and nearly died and my husband's case wasn't detected until he was 11 weeks old, so while he almost died they did catch it, he had the surgery and was fine right away.  Pyloric Stenosis tends to be hereditary in white males with a higher occurence in first born sons.  We are having our first and it is a boy.  I know they can't detect it in utero, but are any of you in a similar situation and if so do you have a gameplan for how the monitoring/surgery would go?  I mean it sort of freaks me out a little that my baby could have a surgery at 4-5 weeks old.   Since this is our first I still need to find a pedi and will of course have this talk with him/her, but it has been weighing on my mind lately.  The bonus is I know that this is a possibility so we can be prepared. 

Oh, and for those of you wondering what this is, it's a condition that isn't too uncommon where the stomach muscles thicken in the first few weeks after birth and your baby has an increasingly hard time keeping anything down so that they aren't getting the nourishment they need.  It can be hard to detect at first because all babies spit up, but this becomes projectile with very little need for diaper changes so you know that food isn't getting through them.  The remedy is surgery where they go in and thin out the muscles by cutting them.  It's a fairly routine procedure, but the thought of it still scares the crap out of me.

Thanks for any insight and take care!


Me: 37 DH: 43 Married 9/2004 TTC since 9/2005 CP Dec 2006 MC June 2008 at 6 weeks MC April 2010 at 9 weeks 50 clomid+IUI 11/2010=BFN 50 clomid+IUI 12/2010=BFP MC Feb 2011 at 7 weeks 8/11 CD3 AFC=24,FSH=6.91,AMH=5.6,E2=47.9, TSH=1.27,8/26 12DPO BFP Alistair Charles "Charlie" was born 5/7 weighing 8lbs, 10oz and 22" was long imageimageimageimage
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