3rd Trimester

Empathize with me?

I am 37 weeks now. Two appointments ago, the OB that checked my cervix just kind of stuck her fingers up there and felt my cervix--it was 'shortened' but not open or effacing--no pain or uncomfortable-ness there.

Wednesday, another OB had to jam her fingers into my vag and was basically punching my pubic bone to try and reach my cervix (which hurt like hell and gave me a little tear that stings every time I pee now). She simply said I was "closed and showing no progress." This is fine; I don't expect to be dilating, this is my first child so I expect to go late, and I know that these cervix checks are kind of pointless...but wtf. I feel like I am going backward instead of forward...literally. It seemed at though my cervix was higher than last time, it's supposed to be getting lower, etc. I dread my next appointment because I am just growing disappointed. I see why women turn down the cervical checks!

Anyway, I have an induction date scheduled for a full week after my due date (adding anxiety to the mild disappointment I am beginning to feel), though I am not protesting it because they have never hinted at wanting to induce me before my due date, nor have they done anything to make me feel like they are rushing me through this. But, I still don't 'want' to be induced (does anyone?). Is it too early to start trying some natural methods to slowly kick things off, so that maybe by my due date/the week of my induction date I can just maybe go into labor on my own? I don't want him to come now, but maybe if I start doing tiny things here and there, and pick up as I get farther along, it will kick me over into labor land. A girl can only hope, right?

Does anyone else feel like they are stuck with an induction, regardless of whether or not it is before or after your due date? I have had a perfect pregnancy, I'm in and out at every appointment and don't mind because I have never had problems or concerns, and I just want my delivery to be as intervention-free :/

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