3rd Trimester

Coworker is an idiot!

My company recently enacted a dress code wherein certain employees (I'm one of them) have to wear a department issued polo shirt and work style pants with closed toe shoes. This was in response to two of my female coworkers who could not self govern what they wore and instead chose to wear club wear to work. So we all got screwed. Now, one of those "ladies" got a doctor's note stating that due to frequent infections, she can only wear skirts. This person, before the code was enacted, wore the TIGHTEST pants ever. They were epically tight. She is probably a size 12 in the hips and thighs and would squeeze herself into pants that couldn't have been more than a six. Which would explain the frequent infections. The powers that be can't argue the doctor's note, and the rest of us are now wearing our boring pants (I always wore dresses from Ann Taylor or something like that), and she is wearing skin tight skirts (and pantyhose, I might add. Does that do anything help clear up an infection?). Recently, she started wearing shoes that have a peep toe, claiming that it was ok because they aren't strappy high heels like we used to wear. I know this sounds petty, but I had to buy all new maternity clothes this time around because I wore a lot of dresses, and open toed flats and such, and this twatwaffle, who caused the whole problem to begin with, is totally unaffected. Unless of course you count her "infections." Vent over.
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