3rd Trimester

Abnormal Ultrasound Success Stories

Hi ladies,

My sister found out yesterday at her 18 week ultrasound that there are two abnormalities on her ultrasound. One, there is a calcium deposit in the baby's heart. Two, the back of the neck is a bit thicker than they would like to see. So, she is being referred to a specialist next week. Needless to say, not the news they were anticipating. They are devasated, as is my whole family.

I've seen posts before about having one abnormality and it being fine, but has anyone else had more than one and it still turned out to be ok? Or even if you had one of these things and it turned out ok, will you please share your experience? I would love to give her any encouragement I can at this point, just to get us all through the next few weeks.

Thanks, I appreciate it very much.

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