3rd Trimester

Dh doesn't get it...vent

Sometimes I want to yell at him and say, "I am pregnant!" and then he might get that I am tired all the time and even though I 'sleep in' until 7:30 I can never sleep well due to his constant snoring and when I do finally get to sleep I have to get up to go use the bathroom. I am sore everywhere and my back hurts constantly due to my giant boobs and my leg is dying from the multiple charlie horses I had last night. My body was taken over almost 8 months ago and while I am happy and greatful to be pregnant and able to carry a baby...I am having body image issues and I feel miserable and no...I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX!

Ugh, that's all DH wants to do and he doesn't get why I don't. Then he whines about it saying that after the baby is born we'll probably never have sex again...what a drama queen!

I am so over it. I am just going to sit on the couch all day, no cleaning or laundry, and definately not cook dinner.

Maybe if he was a little more understanding or something I would be nicer....but he has to be nicer too.

Okay, my whiney rant is over Stick out tongue

Wishing everyone a happy Friday and a great weekend!

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