
3+ C-sections?

I had a C-Section in May 2011 due to pre-eclampsia at 38.5 weeks gestation. I was a zero on the Bishop scale and my OB recommended a C-Section based on all of the factors available. I realize I could have tried to be induced but I agreed that I didn't want to have a medicated induction, be in labor for 24 hours and then end up on the operating room table anyway especially since they were really worried about my health. This was a very hard decision for me as I really wanted a completely non-medicated, natural child birth experience. We even took 12 weeks of Bradley classes.

When I made the decision to move forward with the C-Section I thought I only wanted two children and I didn't know about the risks associated with multiple C-Sections. Fast forward to now, I realize we may not be done at just two. I plan on having a serious discussion with my provider about the possibility of having a VBAC, but if that doesn't work out (for whatever reason) when does it become unsafe to continue to have C-Sections? Three children? Four?

I would be so disappointed if I couldn't have the number of children I wanted to (biologically) because of that first stupid C-Section. I often wonder what would have happened if I agreed to the induction instead. Sad But there's not going back now.

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