Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP-Recommend your pump!

To give a little back story, I had every intention of exclusively breastfeeding LO.  BUT after a horrible first night in the hospital (the nurses technique was to anger the baby then start jam her head into my breast) and many unsuccesssful attempts from there I started pumping and using bottles.  Now after meeting with a Lactation consultant I find out I can only nurse on the left side and have to pump the right.  

 I currently use Tommee Tippee bottles and single electronic pump.  Having some issues with the bottles but I think we can get past them seeing as LO is so young.  BUT the pump I can not find replacement parts for and its a little compact unit not really meant for consistant use IMO.  


What pump do you use if you use one?  What pumps have you heard good things about?  Do you get what you pay for when it comes to pumps?  I plan to use some of my portion of our tax return to make this purchase so it will have to stay around prefereably under $300.  But if I can go cheaper and get good quality I could like to.

 TIA for your help..sorry got so long FTM here! 

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