Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please help... screaming/fighting sleep

The last 4 days DD has been absolutely fighting every nap, and especially bedtime.  Before, she was napping about 4 times a day for an hour to an hour and half each.  Now suddenly, she is having these same 4 naps, but she cries and cries before she will fall asleep, and each nap is only lasting about 20-30 MINUTES!! This obviously means shes sleeping wwaaayy less during the day, so when bedtime comes around, she is absolutely exhausted.  She will scream (I literally mean crying at the top of her lungs, getting sweaty, and face turning red) until she falls asleep - Holding her, rocking her, walking around with her, putting her down in the crib AND the rnp (where she sleeps) - nothing soothes her, until she just falls asleep.  Its awful, and exhausting.  What am I doing wrong?  By the way... she is 8 weeks old and I EBF.  I would also like to add that when shes not tired/fighting sleep is a perfectly happy and content baby.
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