3rd Trimester

Labor or just late pregnancy pains????

Hi, I am 38w and 3d. Starting last night I had this "feeling" like something was happening and I thought maybe i would be going into labor soon. Not sure if it was the BH contractions or the back pain but something seems different. Ive been having BH since VERY early on so I know what they feel like and have had days where they have been 3-15 mins apart for hours on end.

As of this morning though, these BH or whatever you want to call them have been more and more painful with some not so painful ones in between. I have also had this constant dull back ache ALL day that seems to be getting worse as well. Its almost as if my lower back is being stretched to the max and its making me miserable. Ive tried walking and taking a long hot shower to reduce the discomfort but nothing is working. I should also mention that Im not sure if ive lost my mucus plug either, but was admitted at 31 weeks for preterm labor so my dr says i could have lost it then?? I dont know, this is my first so any advice is greatly appreciated!!!! 

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