Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How long do I need to hibernate?

Hi ladies! Thought I would introduce myself since I've been a super-lurker for months.  I had my baby boy on 1/12/12 at 37w5d after some hospital bedrest.  He was a big boy (7lbs 15oz) so needless to say I am relieved he's an outside baby!  We had an uneventful stay in the hospital and our little guy is doing great.

My question for everyone was how long after LO was born did you take him/her out in public?  I'm on maternity leave and usually home alone with him.  My mom or dad will come over during the day to watch him for a bit while I run out (for an hour max) but I want to have some sort of timeline on when DS and I can go out on errands. 

Our pedi just said the most important thing was to keep him away from germs.  Do I need to wait on the 2 month shots?  He's only 2 weeks so I'm not rushing out right now but I'd love to hear when you guys ventured out after having the baby.  Thanks!

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