
How to have the best c-section

I'm a FTM, and the plan is to have a vaginal delivery.  However, I'm being induced on Tuesday, and I haven't had any dilation.  My doctor told me that if I still haven't progressed before the induction that I have a 50% chance of needing a c-section at some point.  I am going to be doing everything I can to get my vaginal delivery, but I have to be reasonable and plan for the option of a c-section.

If that is the route that must be taken to have a healthy delivery, what can I do/ask be done to have an ideal c-section?  I want to have more children someday and would want to attempt VBAC.  Is there a certain way I can ask them to close me back up that would make that option viable?  Are there certain activities afterwards I should avoid to increase my chances of healing normally?

Any advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.  I admit I'm scared to death of the idea of a c-section although I am willing to go through with it if it's what needs to be done.

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