3rd Trimester

It is your job!!

Hi moms...

(I worked in med feild for years and have 5 doc in the family)

I just finished reading a post and it made me think that I should pass on this advice:

Doctors have a degree to PRACTICE medicine.

They all practice very differently! It is YOUR JOB to filter through that advise and make the correct choice for you family.

Make a Medical file/folder for LO.

        - Should have copies of all and any medical lab work, medicine, RX's, Dates and names of Dr seen, Etc.

My dd's doctor knew to see my file before looking in his because i usually had copies of lab work from ER visit's before he did.

Question the diagnosis! I had a NP try to give my 6mt old another round of antibiotics within a 5 week period. When i asked the NP what her DX was, he stated there wasn't one! WTF then why would you just push off another RX of drugs?!

For a nominal fee you can request copies of all and any of your medical records. Do that every so often to keep your file up to date. 

Follow your instincts! If you think something isn't right, push for more! Especially if you have insurance!! Push for that extra lab, test etc.

 My dd broke her arm, urgent care didn't want to do x-rays because her arm didnt look broken. I pushed for Xrays- and it was! Went to hospital- and i forced them to xray her wrist- IT WAS BROKEN! (she fell off her horse and broke both her arm & wrist) But in both occasions- they didn't think her arm or wrist was broken!

On another note: Food & Gifts will get you EVERYWHERE with your doctor's office! Make it a point to show up with cookies, donuts etc. We remember those patients and will make sure your medical file and # are on top of your doctors list.

Simple Thank you cards in between visits will also help.

My main point of this was to make sure FTM's dont blindly trust in the medical industry.

Nurses and DR's on the board: Please give your two cents:


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