Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Pack N Play questions

Sorry to invade your board ladies, but I have a question I'm driving myself nuts over.  When Baby arrives we plan on having her sleep in our room for the first few months (3-6).  I orginally thought we'd get her a bassinett, but am leaning towards just using a pack n play now because we need one anyway. 

What do you think and if you went the PNP route which one (brand & model) did you choose?  I'd like something that travels easily because we tend to take overnight trips every couple of months.  I think each set of grandparents (who live locally) will have their own PNP so we don't have to take it with us everytime we go see them, just when we travel to the lakehouse, for holidays OOT, etc.  There are SO many options with so many bells and whistles I am totally overwhelmed!

I appreciate your help!! 

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