3rd Trimester

HELP!! You can't choose your inlaws... (vent)

  K, so this is super long, but I need help so Please read! *whimper*

  So, my sister in law asks my husband and me to move in with her. I say that it wouldn't be a good idea since we have a baby coming, we should really have a place of our own (and also because the last time we lived with her she flipped out on me and called me a money grubbing wh*re, still to this day not sure why..but I left that part out). She said that was fine, but that we should move into her place and she would move out bc the rent is so much cheaper here and she was planning on moving out now anyways. I felt uneasy about moving in while she was still there, but my husband insisted that it would be ok. So, we did. Bad idea. . .

   It was a constant fight for me to keep the place clean. I was doing her laundry, dishes, always cleaning Everything daily. That didn't bother me too much. It bothered me, however, that days were passing and nothing of hers was getting packed. All of our stuff remained packed away in boxes because no room was made for us to unpack. I need to nest! I was going insane. She kept saying she would be out, but never left.

   One night, my husband went out to drink with a cousin of his and told me he would be home before midnight so I didnt have to worry. I waited up for hours, he didn't come home. I was freaking out by 3:30am and couldnt get a hold of him and I don't have a car, so I called my father in law and he went and got Adam, who was safe at his cousin's house, sleeping. What I did not know was that they had called Heather and told her to tell me that he was there and safe. She never bothered getting out of bed to tell me, so I freaked out for no reason. The next morning, I was arguing with my husband (rightfully so), but not yelling, and she came down and had the nerve to yell at us for arguing and waking her up. She was very rude. 

  I wrote her a message politely explaining that Adam and I are going to argue from time to time (we are human..) and that I wished she would have told me he was safe, etc. Nothing at all rude or hurtful. I even included that her relationship with me meant a lot and I didn't want anything to ruin that. 

  She stopped talking to me completely. 

  One day I come home to find that her stuff is EVERYWHERE. You couldn't move in the kitchen. It looked like an episode of hoarders. Not kidding.. I was going to go insane. She came home from lunch, sat down on the couch and my husband said "Can I help you move some stuff today?" and she said "I'm pretty sure I can move when ever the I want" and then went on to tell us that she went behind our backs and paid the landlord all the rent, etc. I said "all you had to do was tell us that rent was due and we would have given the money right then and there". She argued with me and I told her that we had the money to move into our own place the month prior but since she told us not to and to stay there, we were stuck there. Suddenly she says "I'm pretty sure I'm never talking to you again because of that dumb f*ckin message you sent me". I told her that I was just trying to talk to her about the situation like an adult and she called me an immature *** and continued to argue with me. I got fed up and said "F you..", something I probably shouldn't have said, but hey.. That's when she looks me square in the eye and said "You know what? You're a *** and a ***".. I looked at my husband with wide eyes, not believing what I just heard. 

  She then proceeded to say that all I do all day long is sit on my lazy ass and do nothing at all while I let my husband pay for everything in my life. Mind you, I was doing her damn chores and I had only not had a job for a week. My husband told me Not to have a job. There were MONTHS that I had a job and my husband didn't and I didn't see her complain then. 

  She also said that I treat my husband poorly and told us to get the f out of "her house"... Sooo yeah... Needless to say, we aren't talking. Every chance she got for a little while, she would be sure to call me names to other people (including my husband) like "princess" or what have you. I deleted her off my FB because she is the type to write nasty things about people on her status and I didn't want to risk being hurt even more. A few other members of the family then got mad at ME and stopped talking to me (or bitched at me and said that "real family members wouldnt do that" bc I deleted her. No one cared about what she said to me. I even had to literally ask, BEG my husband to stick up for me after she said those things. She's mean to him too, so he gets nervous. She's just a mean person and expects to always get away with saying what ever she wants to people.

   She moved out, but left pretty much all of her stuff here, only grabbing the stuff she needed. Her stuff took up both bedrooms, plus room in other rooms.  My husband kept texting her, calling her, trying anything to get her to move her stuff out. He told her that we needed that space for the baby's room, etc. She ignored him and over a month later, her stuff is still here. 

  I am 31 weeks pregnant with no nursery, no room to even unpack many of MY things let alone room for the baby's stuff.. I can't at all get along with my sister in law and it's quite obvious that if I show that I'm upset with her or if I stick up for myself, other people in the family are going to be angry at me..

  She is going to expect me to just hand My baby over to her for her to hold and cuddle. How can I? How can I let her hold MY baby after she said those nasty things and prevented my baby from having a room to sleep in?? But I know that I am just going to have to grin and bear it because that's what my husband's family expects.  If I so much as ask for an apology before my baby arrives, I will be shot down by many. That's how it's always been though. I can't show any emotion or opposing opinion towards anything or they get mad.

   So WHAT do I do????? Anything?  I'm so sick of being the one to appologize when I don't even know what I did!! I don't want to just roll over but I also don't want things to be extremely uncomfortable with the family after the baby is born.

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