Babies: 0 - 3 Months

6 week sleep binge

My daughter is usually awake periodically throughout the day, and sleeps well at night.  She usually sleeps 9ish-7ish with one wake, and then goes back down until 10 or 11 am.  She is usually up for the day at that time, and we work around the E.A.S.Y routine.  Eating, playing and napping through the day.  

Last night she was super fussy (screaming!) and then conked out quickly and slept for 7 hours.  Today she was abnormally sleepy and slept for most of the day.  I was sure she would wake up more for her "witching hour", but she slept.  We fed her in her sleep and tries to wake her, but she wanted to sleep.  We eventually swaddled her and put her to bed.


Is this normal for a growth spurt? She is formula fed, and didn't eat a lot today bc it was hard to keep her up.  The two days prior she was super hungry.  

Im not complaining that she is resting so much, I'm just a little worried (probably for no reason) and wondering if any other moms have experienced this.  TIA! 

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