3rd Trimester

Help....husband wants to quit his job- updated

I am 7 months pregnant and my husband came home yesterday saying he wanted to quit his job.  We have a 2 year old who is about to go to pre-school. We live comfortably and have a savings, but can no way afford to live off of 1 income.  Anyhow,  i'm struggling with how to be supportive when i absolutely disagree.  

Some history: he's been with the company for 4 years and although he enjoys it, it is a very demanding job. He is an assistant manager for a retailer and it is long hours.  They expect a lot and he is often working 14 hour days= sometimes 7 days a week. He has performed well, grown the business tremendously, has been the top assit. manager for 3 years in his region and is being groomed for a promotion. However, it has been a rollercoaster with many ups and downs in the past 2 years.   His reason for leaving is that he feels his integrity is being questioned by his boss. There is a rumor that is floating around that he stated he was going to move to another division and when he did, was going to fire 3 people. Thus,  his boss scheduled a meeting with him tomorrow. My hubby isn't supposed to know about the reason, but he has a friend who informed him.  Aparently the boss isn't happy about it and seems to beleive the rumor. My husband feels like they are making a decision without speaking to him and thinks that his integrity is being doubted before he has a chance to defend himself. My husband swears he did not say anything and I believe him. His company is known for rumors. 

ANYHOW,  i fully support him looking for another job b/c it will make us all happier and he will have a work life balance.  He hasn't been happy for the last year and it has taken a toll on him as he has had to sacrifice a lot of family events for work. BUT, how can i be supportive if i'm 3 months from having a baby and will be out of work for 2 months. Is it wrong of me to want to say "suck it up and work until you find a job" or do i be the supportive wife that understands?  I so want to be supportive, but am having a hard time with it b/c i feel like he is not considering the impact it is going to have on us.  Basically he made the decision without me. 


Am i being unreasonable? How would you handle this situation?  

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