Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Can't believe how much my BF two-wk old is eating!

My pedi's standard practice is to weight check all BF babies three times to insure they're getting enough (and determine how efficient the baby is and how adequate the mom's supply is).  He was weighed at 6 days old and was 7.5.  At 8 days old (two days later) he was 7.6, which is "perfect" in that the goal is to gain 1/2 oz a day.  At 12 days old (four days after his 7.6 lb weigh-in) he was 8.0 lbs.  He gained 10 OZ in four days!!!  They were hoping he'd gain 2 OZ...he exceeded that goal by 1/2 POUND.  

At his first appt they also had me feed him and then weighed him again after he nursed.  At 6 days old he was getting 4 oz at a feeding...and eating every 2 hours during the day and anywhere from every 2 1/2 - 4 hours at night.   

But believe me, as much as I was shocked by his weight gain it's really not out of the blue..this boy eats, eats, eats,'s a good thing I'm nursing him because I can only imagine the amount of formula he'd be flying through!   

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