Single Parents

Pregnant with First and Single

I was just looking to connect with some people who can empathize to my situation. Most of the moms-to-be I see on these websites seem to have a husband or at least be in a relationship. I broke up with my ex for very good reasons and 11 days later found out I was pregnant. It wasn't an ugly break-up but it was well thought out and getting back together is not an option. The healthiest choice for my baby is to do this as a single mother. Whether his/her father is involved will be up to him. My ex says he wants and has made some efforts so far to but it's also very early in.


So basically, long story short, I will be a single mom. Now is my time to get excited, eat healthy, take care of my body and plan plan plan!! I was just hoping there might be other woman who have chosen to do this on their own right from the very beginning!





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