Babies: 0 - 3 Months

working moms/stay at home dad

so my 2 month old is doing some really weird things.  i am currently bf'ing, and we needed to supplement due to jaundice...she will not eat anymore then 1 oz of formula from me.  when i have her she wants me to nurse her and not use a bottle at all, but that seems to be causing my husband problems when he has her.  i started back at work 2 weeks ago, and  my husband had no problems with feeding her and taking care of her, until this week.  she won't eat for him like she was and when he isn't walking around patting her back she just cries.  i'm not sure what the problem is.  She is gassy, but when i get home she wants me to feed her and then she's fine.  anyone else have this issue?  what can be done.  i feel so bad for my hubby as he is going out of his mind not being able to calm her down like he had before.  not sure why she is no doing this? help.
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