Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Hitting the "groove" as family of four

DS is 10 weeks old and DD is 3. I'm going back to work in two weeks, and I am actually feeling really good about how far we have come in the past 10 weeks, and I think I can actually do this Mom of 2 thing:)

Baby is sleeping nicely at night. He's happy and smiley and giggly. DD has gotten over her extreme excitedness and has stopped acting out. Baby is now old news to her, and now she just loves him (usually).

DH and I have been fitting in some date nights, which feels great, and I got away with a girlfriend to see some live music last week. I also went shopping and bought some new work clothes for my "new" temporary body. I hope to keep losing weight from nursing, but at least I can go to work feeling confident that I look ok!

My point - if you are having anxiety or doubts or depression - hang in there! I had extreme anxiety for about 4 weeks on how I was going to "do it all". Well, I might not be able to do it all, but with the help of family, friends, and a wonderful husband, I can for sure do my best, and that is all I can ask of myself!

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