Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dh praise and also, how do I keep LO awake during the day so they sleep at night!

I have the most amazing husband! After ANOTHER rough night with baby girl, he wakes up and sees how desperate I am from getting 2 hours of sleep from 2:30-4:30am and decides to work from home today and tells me to go back to sleep! He let me sleep for 6 straight hours while he takes care of our "now sleepy baby". Then when I get up, he proceeds to make me food and do the dishes. He amazes me sometimes. On another night, how do I keep LO up during the day so she sleeps more at night!? She has been off every since an ER trip last week for a fever. We didn't get home until 6am....and then we all slept till 1pm. She has hac this same schedule since Thursday of last week. She is also so hard to get back to sleep when she wakes up for a feeding.....this mama needed sleep today or I was gonna lose  my mind :(
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