Single Parents

Our visit went well today. (Long)

So as promised, since STBXH made an appt and went to therapy I met him out at the library.

I was a little worried that he might try to be spiteful, but he wasn't. It was borderline pathetic. He acted like he had no clue what he was doing, and I was going to give him a little space and sit at the computers near the exit (just in case), but he begged me to stay with them. After an hour the library started to get busy and he was acting all uncomfortable, and he said he didn't want to stay there anymore.

I offered him to come on an errand to the mall with me and L, and he even bought L some cute outfits. Which I appreciated. We talked a little bit about him going to therapy, a little bit about custody/visitation, and this and that. I tried to keep anything we did talk about light and nothing too serious, etc.

He admitted to having another temper blow up. This one made me laugh, I probably shouldn't have, but he blew up on stbx-sil, who was calling me obscene things apparently. I never liked her, but when she was having marital issues with STBXH's brother, I NEVER once said anything negative, I tried to get BIL to actually shape up.

 Is it sad that I feel bad for him? I DO want him to have a relationship with L, but at the same time I HAVE TO do what's in L's best interest. I'm hoping this good visit wasn't just a fluke. Next visit we are going out for coffee on Sat so he can see L again. I have no problem with outings like this. I just worry about him being alone with him for long periods. : It would be nice if things with out divorce and custody could go smoothly and he can get his sh!t together for L.


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