Upstate NY Babies

Afternoon Preschool?

Who  does it? (Mindy, I think, Anyone else?)

Our options for Eve's preschool next year are: m-f 9-1130am OR m-th 12:30-3pm. DH and I talked about it briefly this morning and we are leaning toward afternoon. One because its is one less day a week.. and two because we can keep her in her normal morning activities, swimming lessons, music class, and if she decides to do a sport or something at the Y, we could do that in the mornings too.  Eve rarely naps anymore, so thats not an issue for me,

But.. I have a lot of reservations about it too.. Natalie's nap schedule for one..   She will be down to 1 nap probably by then, so I'd have to hurry to make sure she gets down right after dropping Eve at school and possibly wake her to pick Eve up.. Also, I worry if it will be a LOT for Eve on days where she has an activity in the morning and then basically straight to school.. and third, I feel like we will never have a day to just run around all day, like occassionally my mom and I will take the girls out shopping in the afternoon and then do dinner at my parents house after or something.. and if i have errands to do while eve is at school, Natalie won't nap at all,  ya know?

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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