Single Parents

Can this end up backfiring on me?

So STBXH has been transferred to a workhouse (jail) and will serve out the remainder of his time there. His release is scheduled for March 3rd. In my OFP hearing they COed me to bring Roman to visit his dad supervised by ex's grandma at least once per month until his release. Roman has yet to see his father (he was transferred on the 17th) due to the fact his supervisors were playing games by not calling me back nor answering my calls or even showing up at the jail.

Then I finally reached STBXH's grandmother yesterday who is the designated supervisor and she told me that my ex does NOT want Roman to come visit him while he is in jail. I can totally understand why as my ex used to see his own father in jail and doesn't want his child going through that. So I told her that that was fine with me and if he changed his mind to call me and I will meet her there with Rome.

I did document the phone call and wrote down what she said but I am wondering if this can be used against me after he gets out of jail. He has been known to lie about events in his case and I don't want him to claim that I refused to bring Roman to see him. His grandma is sort of a twisted woman as well and would back him up most likely. I can retrieve the phone records obviously to show the constant phone calls I made on visiting day that went unanswered by both ex's g-ma and his best friend.

So, what do you think?


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