3rd Trimester

Well, this is annoying...

You know how people always tell you when you SHOULD have your baby?  (as if you have control over it?)  Like, on their birthday, or their mother's birthday, or Superbowl day or whatever?

Well, it's equally annoying to have people constantly telling you when NOT to have your baby.  Especially when it's the family members who said they'd watch your toddler when you do go into labour.

Oh, how to get them to realize that they can control their plans a whole lot better than I can control labour...
TTC #1 for one year with annovulation....
Clomid Cycle #1: 50mg = BFP
=Beautiful baby girl born May 23, 2009
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
TTC#2: BFP Cycle #1, no fertility meds!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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