Babies: 0 - 3 Months

5 wks old baby up all night, help!

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but LO seems to sleep fine during the day, and is super awake at night.  Each night starts around 10-11pm, last till about 3am.  

 Yesterday, she was up fro 9pm till 4am, demanding to eat every 1.5 hours, and just crying for no reason.  Rocking her in my arms will put her to sleep, then the second I put her down, she wakes up, and start crying.  She kept giving me the hungry signal so I fed her, then she puked up about 20ml, 5 mins later, hungry again!!  We also tried giving her a bath before bedtime.  Also swaddling, rocker, swings, everything!!  She was def tired, she was yawning all the time, but just won't sleep.  Then this morning from 8am she slept till 11:30, then all afternoon she was sleeping for 3-4 hours.  I even took her out for a walk, she slept through the whole thing.  Now it's almost 11pm, shes wide awake, fussy again.... 

 what should I do?  It seems like the more I try to keep her up during the day the more she won't sleep at night.  I don't follow a schedule during the day on feeding her, I just feed her when she is hungry, usually anywhere from 1.5-3 hours.  

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