Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Relief for a baby who grunts/strains at night?

I made a post about this earlier when I stated that LO is so noisy at night. DS grunts, strains, makes little cries, arches his back, and turns bright red when he is sleeping -- especially at night. It seems that this is a normal thing that a lot of babies experience and it is just them learning to move their bowels, but is there anything that you can do to relieve this? When do they start to outgrow it?

It is so hard to try and sleep through. Last night I put earplugs in just to try and muffle it. DS sleeps in our room because I have been scared to move him into his own room. I feel that even if I moved him into his own room I would still hear the straining/grunting through the monitor and I still wouldn't sleep. What should I do? I can't imagine many more months of this noise. DS is finally only getting up only once a night yet I still can't sleep. HELP!

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