Single Parents

Who has a lot of time on thier hands.......

Am I missing anything???? Thank you in advance :)


Topics for Mediation


  • Taxes - I should be able to claim LO on my taxes
    • I am the primary care taker, he lives in my home, I get him ready and take him to day care everyday, cook his meals, do his laundry, schedule his appointments, buy his clothes, etc.
  • Child Support/Money issues - should be paid to a child support account. Ex has a history of not paying on-time and has a hard to remembering whether or not he has paid. This account will be able to keep track of all transcations. Child support should be $442 per month plus $90 per week per the child support worksheets.
    • Half of all unpaid medical expenses should be split by both parites
    • When is child support due?
    • How do I access it after it is in the account?
    • Can we add the money that he already owes me?
    • Pay back LO $400 that he stole from him
    • Attorneys fees - half above $2500
    • School pictures ? order our own pictures
    • Activites ? When LO begins activites/these costs should be split by both parties
  • Drug Testing ? Ex should submit to monthly hair/urnine screens
    • Due to Ex history. Ex has been on and off of drugs since my pregnancy, that I know.
    • Due to Ex drugs of choice (cocaine, pain pill and marijuana) some of those drugs can be out of your system in 3-5 days, therefore, a urine test would not pick up on the drug.
    • I need to be sure that Ex is not on drugs while supervising our son. Even when Ex is not high, his personality is still effected when he is coming down from his high and he can be very unpredictable.
    • Who pays for the drugs screens?
    • Where does he take them?
    • How do I get the results?
    • Who sends him for the screening?
    • What happens if he doesn?t pass?  He cant see LO?.until when?
  • LO Belongings ? Ex should be respondsible for purchasing his own belongings for LO (sippy cups, diapers, wipes, etc). He may use the pack-n-play for sleep overs (his father purchased) and Ex may have the bassinet (his mother purchased). Ex should purchase his own safety regulated carseat in order to avoid any arguments in case I forget or he forgets to leave it at the day care one day.
  • Sick Time ? when LO is sick (fever, stomach bug, sick appointments at doctor,etc) he should be able to remain in his own primary physical home until he is well. I will give EX notice (when possible).
  • Holidays ? Same as original agreement
  • Transportation ? Same as original agreement
  • Visitations ? Same as original agreement OR a total of _______hours per week divided up among _____days which includes________overnight(s)_______per week/month. To be determined at least one full week/seven full days ahead of time. Schedules may be discussed over the phone or in person but final decision must send via text and/or email for confirmation.
  • Vacations/Out-of-State Travel ? Unless there is a family emergency (sick family member, death/birth in family), all vacations/out-of-state travel should be discussed at least _________ in advance. No vacation or out-of-state travel should last more than_________ consecutuve days.  Until Ex has had ___________ amount of overnights, he cannot take LO out-of-state overnight.
  • Relocation ? Moving out of state. Is it an option? How long of a notice do we give?
  • Legitimization ? Is Ex going through this process? Do I play a role in that process?
  • Activities ? When LOstarts doing activites/sports/etc. Both parents are allowed/encouraged to attend the event/practice/etc ? no matter whose day it is for visitation. However, the parent who has visitation that day is responsible for getting LO to that event.
  • Times/Cancellations/etc
    • Visitations ? if Ex is more than______late, the visitation for that day is cancelled
    • Cancelling Visitations ? A 24 hour notice must be given
    • First Right of Refusal ? If Ex has LO and cannot watch him for some reason, I need to be the first person to have the option to watch him.
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