Single Parents

What a scumbag!

 TL;DR Baby daddy drama has me scared he'll fight for custody if we break up. How do I tell him we're through without triggering a legal battle?


So I'm in a bit of a bind. I met my baby's father last fall and we started dating. I found out I was pregnant Christmas and told him after New Year's. He freaked out A LOT (gave himself blood ulcers), but I figured that was normal - we're two college students with dreams of our own and he was worried about finances. 

2 days later, I get a call from a girl claiming she's been dating him for a year, and that he just broke up with her, as well as breaking up with another lady, who'd been engaged to him for 3 (!!!!!!!) years. He confirmed that he was dating all three of us, as well as another that hadn't been told yet.


After a lot of arguing and discussion, I decided that I want to be on friendly terms with him, because he IS the father of my child, no matter what. However, I definitely don't want to pursue a romantic relationship and I think that by not kicking him out of my life, he thinks that we're still together.

How do I approach this one, ladies? I'm too kind to tell him to scram, and after my sister's legal issues with her BD I don't want to cause him to try and fight for custody. Any words of advice? Is it like a bandage; I just need to rip it off and get it overwith? 

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