Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL Vent!

I haven't vented yet (except to my husband - and he's getting sick of it!) My MIL has been driving me crazy (and it's nothing new, she has always been interfering).

First, she just doesn't get the fact that we have asked her to call before she wants to come over. I am EPing and am not going to answer the door if I'm doing that. We have to keep the door locked because she will just walk right in!

Then, she is constantly telling me what to do, but not in a nasty way - like in this even more annoying "helpful" tone. Like I shouldn't let LO fall asleep in my arms or swaddle him for naps because he will just get used to it. And I shouldn't give him cold bottles or give him his binky. The worst is when she comes over and DS starts fussing and she tells my husband "He wants to walk around." I think that DH and I KNOW what his cries mean - don't tell us what to do! Who spends all their time with him anyway?

THEN, this weekend she came back from a shopping trip (she has a serious problem) and came over (without calling) to drop off HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!! Ok...It is January for one. Not really ready to pick out my child's costume and two, wouldn't I like to pick out my child's first costume? ESPECIALLY since it's my first baby? Don't buy one for me.

Finally, yesterday she came to babysit and brought a magazine for me to look at so I could pick out his first birthday stuff...and told me I could have the leftovers from his cousin's birthday party (which would be 2 months earlier) and order extras of whatever I wanted. Again...wouldn't I like to pick the stuff out myself? And again...he is only 2 months old...first birthday may come faster than I'd like, but not that fast!

I hate to seem ungrateful, but how do I get her to understand - she had her turn and now it's mine!

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