Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Help! Am I going to water-log my sick child? Humidifier, saline drops, etc.

Poor little DS came down with some pretty heavy sinus congestion causing gagging/choking and this past Sunday morning around 3 a.m.  Since we went through this with him before at 3 weeks, we knew all the recommendations from the doctor--saline drops and nasal aspirator, hot steam in bathroom, humidifier, elevated crib/sleeping in swing, etc,

We saw the pedi yesterday and got a negative test for RSV, she also said it is not in his lungs and his ears and throat sound good so basically it's just a mild upper respiratory infection, and she gave him a note to allow him to return to daycare.

Since then we have been continuing the saline drops, humidifer and sleeping in the swing as he's been struggling too much in the crib.  He's still waking up occasionally, gagging and coughing from the phlegm but otherwise sleeping okay in the swing, with just a little bit of a snore at times and his breathing seems good.  My question is, how often should we be doing the drops and humidifier?   I've been doing 2-3 drops in each nostril at 630 pm, around 8pm before he goes to bed, then at 3 am when he wakes up to eat and again at 630 am when he eats again before starting the day.  We kept the humidifier on him for 3 hrs the first night and for about 1 1/2 hours last night, but it makes his hands and cheeks too cold (it's a cool mist) so we didnt want to freeze him out.  Maybe we need to put the humidifier a little further away, not sure.   This morning he woke up crying again, sounding so watery and gurgly, as everything was draining all night, and like his voice is affected from being so watered up, if that makes sense.   I know the goal is to keep things lubricated so the mucous/phlegm doesn't get too thick but wondering how much is too much?  Any experience with this would be appreciated.  Thanks!

~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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