South Florida Babies

The Business of making babies .....

Something I wanted to share with you other SO.FLO mommies...

At my baby shower- (about 12 other mommies) all that had vaginal deliveries- ALL HAD an Episiotomy!

Two of my friends- Both delivered 1st week of January at 35 weeks! One was induced (vaginal deliver-WITH an Episiotomy)

2nd- ER C (baby not getting enough blood supply?) Which the father said he didnt think that was legit.

 I know that everyone's medical history and situation is different, HOWEVER- medical practices will vary based off of where we live and insurance. (my sis in an OB in DC and confirmed this)

I personally had an issue finding a doctor that would try a V-Back with me. Also, I want to try natural as natural as i can go, but am hearing that everyone will be pushing drugs on me when i am in labor. question is...are you seeing a trend in medical practices that seem to be elective Vs' medical and being forced?

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