Babies: 0 - 3 Months

RP from Breastfeeding - Can't use my 150oz stash, devastated :-(

Hi ladies,

My DD is 2 months old today and we just found out she has a milk protein allergy.  She has had lots of mucous in her poops and they just found that there is blood in them.  DH and I are traveling for 5 days in April without the kids (My DH won an all inclusive trip! We don't have control of the dates and it was too good to turn down, otherwise I would never go away so long with her so young) and we have an overnight wedding out of state in March.  I knew I needed about 210oz of frozen milk to cover the trips (30oz for 7 days).  I have been pumping 4oz at like 3AM for over a month now and have 150oz.  The Pedi just told me that I will have to start dairyfree right away and will have to get rid of all of it and anything I pump in the next 3 weeks while it is clearing my system.  Im SOOO upset.  I worked so hard and gave up sleep for that milk and now I don't think I will be able to build up enough for the trips if I can't pump for the next 3 weeks either.  I really didn't want to give any formula until at least 6 months and now I don't think this goal will be possible.  I think I will try to donate the milk.  Not sure how you do that though.  Should I keep pumping at 3AM for the next 3 weeks even though I can't use it so my supply stays up?

I'm also upset that I have been putting DD through this for 2 months.  I noticed the mucousy poos awhile ago but didn't think it was an allergy.  I just thought it was looser breastmilk poops.  I feel so stupid and worry that I damaged her poor little intestines.  I'm going to do my best to go completely dairy free but how will I do that at a wedding or on the trip to an all inclusive resort?  How do you eat out dairyfree?  I just looked though my cabinets and almost everything says it contains milk.  I'm so sad  :-(

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