Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Does anyone use a crib wedge? Could that be what's keeping DD up?

We just started putting her in the crib in her room to sleep (she was in a bassinet in our room) a few nights ago.  Before this, she had started waking only once a night to eat.  She would sleep 9pm-7am and wake around 3 am to eat & go back to sleep.

Since we put her in the crib, she's back to waking up twice a night, and she's sleeping like crap.  Fussing, tossing & turning & whimpering, crying for a minute & then falling back asleep.  She's also  not going down for the night very easily.  I'm back in her room on & off for like an hour before she stays asleep (and this is after almost an hour of bottle & holding her upright for 20 minutes after eating) I'm sleeping like crap, of course, too, because she's fussing so much I never know if she's going to wake up all the way or not.

Could it be the crib wedge?  It's under the sheet, and I rolled a towel into a "U" to kind of keep her from rolling off the wedge, but she still kinda slides off of it a bit.  Or do you think it's just her getting used to the crib?  It's been like 4 nights & I'm almost ready to move her back into my room!  But I don't want to do that just to have this problem again a month or two from I like having my room back :(

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