Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Starting Refusing the Bottle..WTH?!?!?!?

My LO is almost 10 weeks and last week just up and decided he wasn't going to take a bottle anymore.  We have never really had any problems with him taking a bottle until now.  He just fusses and throws any all out screaming bloody murder fit when we try to give him a bottle.  I've tried switching up different types of bottles, feeding him at different times, trying to feed him when he is isn't super hungry so he wouldn't get upset.  I just don't get it, what happened??? Anyone else had a situation like this?  I have to have my son take a bottle because I'm going back to work in 2 weeks and he has to take a bottle while I'm gone.  I'm super stressed about this,so any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks!
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