3rd Trimester

On Call Dr. Vent

So, my water may or may not have broken about 2 hrs ago.  I've never had it do it naturally, but I stood up, a gush started coming, I couldn't stop it, I stuck a tshirt under me.  After it stopped my husband and I inspected it- no color/odor.  I call the on call number and after waiting an hour for a response and not getting a call back, I called again.  Dr. tells me that it's probably not my water and to just go in to see my Dr. tomorrow to get checked. 

It's not that I want to go to the hospital right now- it would actually be a huge pain b/c I would need to wake up both kids and find a babysitter- but something other then "go in and have your doctor check tomorrow" would have been nice especially since I was induced w/ DD at 35.5wks (had her right at 36) and had DS at 37.

Sorry, just my rant for the moment. 

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