Single Parents

Who's ready for some drama?

Ex's psycho baby momma went and got a boob job, while on every type of state assistance.

Ex moved in with her, and started hanging out with his other kid two weeks ago.

Apparently they have been messing around for the past month, and that entire time ex still had nothing to do with this other kid. What is wrong with both of them? And you know what she told her (now) ex best friends? If she were to get pregnant again then she would make him choose to be in their kids' lives or not at all. Seriously, why would she wait until she had another kid with him to make him choose? If he doesn't want anything to do with one kid, he wouldn't want anything to do with 2! Does she have no pride?

So my dilemma now? I have a restraining order against this girl, and ex expected to take DS over to her house and stay the night with them last night. Where does he expect him to sleep? In the bed that him and this girl share?

She has parties at her house EVERY Friday and Saturday night, with her kid there sometimes. The rest of the time her boss watches him every weekend ALL weekend so she can go out to party.

Is it crazy for me to not be okay with DS being around this girl or not going over to that house? They aren't even dating. According to her ex best friends, he's made it very clear to her that they aren't and never will be.

Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm cooking dinner as I type this and am just furious I'm just kind of venting.

ETA: I wouldn't let ex take DS yesterday when he wanted to, and now he said he was going to take me to court for visitation so I would HAVE to let him take DS wherever he wanted. Will my restraining order against her even matter when it comes to DS going over there?

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