3rd Trimester

Is this a reasonable request?

I have GD.  At my 30 week appointment at MFM she was weighing in at 3 pounds 11 ounces. Went back to MFM at 33 weeks for another growth scan and she was weighing in at 5lbs 8oz. The doctor was still hopeful that she would be in the 7 lb range so I could have a vaginal birth. At my first growth scan he told me that he wanted her in the 7 lb range by 39 weeks, and that if she was 8lbs or more I would not be able to birth her vaginally. I am totally fine with that because I just want her here safely, regaurdless of how she comes. 

Last week at my regular OB, I was 35 weeks, and measuring in at 38 1/2 weeks. My OB was concerned that she may be gaining almost a pound a week. Then he voiced his concern about her being rather large, and discussed the possible complications of a vaginal birth(shoulders or collarbone getting stuck-in his words "a physicians worst nightmare.") But, then he proceeded to say that if a baby is measuring in under 10 pounds, that they at least like the mother to try vaginally first. But, if my baby is measuring larger, wouldn't it just make more sense to do a c-section? I feel like there is no question about it. Then, we would obviously avoid the risk of her getting stuck, hurting her shoulders, or breaking her collarbone (all of which he said has happened to him, but he reassured me that he has never lost a baby.) Shee-wiz...as if that doesn't make me nervous enough.   

Is it reasonable of me to voice my sincere concern and tell them that I would prefer for them to take her via c-section? Not to say that I demand it, but I am very wary if she truly is larger of her arriving safely if I deliver vaginally.  What do you guys think?

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