3rd Trimester

36 weeks 5 days-having weird pains/tingling

I went for my first internal last Thursday at 36 wks 1 day and I was 4 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  My dr. said it could be anytime, but it could also be a few weeks.  The past few days I have had these weird tingling and sharp sensations real low in the vaginal area.  Its a very weird feeling and only last seconds and can be painful.  It can be a flutter or tingling and then a little sharp pain.  Has anyone had anything like this?  This normal?

Possible TMI- :) Also, I have had instances like I need to possibly pee and I will go- just a little trickle and its clear, but then when I really need to pee it will be a yellow.  I just dont want to be losing any fluid and hurting the baby in any way!

Thanks for any help!!

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