Single Parents

Not married but with Baby's Daddy

Ever since DD was born, we havnt been on the best terms. hes working, im not. i feel like he doesnt do enough on his days off to help me with the baby. he says its his "day off" and uses that as an excuse to help out. it like, well whens my "day off?" never! and im not complaining about that because thats what you get with an infant. 24/7 of parenting. you dont get a schedule. i just wish he would realize that. 


but now its been getting a little better but he annoys the hell out of me. i feel like hes immature now for some reason. before DD came, we were so good, he was nice and was serious with me. now its all like a joke or something. he taes everything wayy too lightly and what i want is a more serious relationship between the 3 of us.


anyway, we will be living in fl and boston 6 months at a time. my family is in FL, his is in Boston. he has a family contracting business up north that he will work during the spring/summer and will work the fall/winter season in FL at a golf course so he can take advantage of the highest income seasons. my question is, when we go to BOS, if we get worse, can I legally leave and come back home for a few months to cool off and get my head on straight? DD has both our last names just in case something happened.


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