3rd Trimester

Breech Baby Question (XP from Feb 2012)

I'm currently 35w and my OB will schedule a c-section for 39w at my 36w appointment if LO is still breech at that point.  If she flips between 36w and the c-section, obviously we will not do the c-section.  

 To say I'm not thrilled about a c-section is putting it mildly. We've been hoping for a low-intervention birth this entire pregnancy but keep having roadblocks (VCI, membrane separation, growth restriction, now the breech...).  Of course all we want is the healthiest entry into the world for our girl as possible, but I'd prefer attempting our original birth plan if she's in the right position and her growth stays above the danger zone. 

 The real bummer news is that we cannot attempt a version to flip her due to the VCI.  My OB is afraid that manually forcing her to flip could potentially rupture the exposed vessels on her cord. There are a few of the natural, Spinning-Babies-type exercises I can do, but I'm restricted a bit in that arena as well. 

 So... my question... 

 Anyone know the percentage chance a breech baby will flip naturally (on its own) AFTER 36 weeks?

11 months old! #andintoeverything
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