Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Someone help - naps are backward!

So, we finally got DD napping, so she's not crying for hours & hours every day anymore (thank goodness!).  But I think her naps are backward, and I think it might be screwing up her nighttime sleep.  The most I can get out of her morning nap is 35-45 minutes, and once she wakes up, she's wide awake.  But in the afternoon, she's been sleeping 3-4 hours straight and waking up around 5-6 pm! 

She WAS only waking up once a night to eat (3 nights in a row), but then we moved her from bassinet in our room to crib in her room, and not only is she waking twice to eat again, but she's really restless the whole night, and is taking 2 hours to get to sleep again.

I tried keeping her up longer after waking in the morning, but she starts crying & fussing after just over an hour.  It was almost 2 hours before I got her down this morning, and she was up 35 minutes later.  If I keep her up any longer, I'll just be walking the house with her screaming in my arms.  What do I do?  I'm soooo tired from being awake all night :(

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