Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Going back to work: Can't make a decision, HELP!

Ok, so being a SAHM is out of the question for us, (I spend too much $$ for that!)  I had originally planned on going back to work 2 weeks from tomorrow (Tues) part time, only working Tues, Wed, Thur, and being off M & F.  That way, I could really stretch out the rest of my FMLA time, which would be 4 full weeks, and would equate to appx 10 weeks of the part time schedule.  The last few days I have been giving this a lot of thought, and am re-evaluating that decision, thinking I should just take the last 4 weeks off completly, then go back full time in March.  The issue is that after day care and gas for those 3 days (it's a 50 mile commute each way), I would bring home around $100/wk.  My husband thinks that the transition will be easier for me and LO, if I ease into it with this part time schedule than go right into full time.  What do you think?  Thoughts?  Opinions?  Someone just make the right decision for me please! 
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