3rd Trimester

There's good news, and there's bad news. (NBR)

The good news:  The baby shower given by my mother's best friend went swimmingly this weekend. It was a great time, and as soon as she sends me the photos she and the others took, I will share. The outpouring of support and love was near-overwhelming. I really didn't expect so many people to show up, let alone give us nearly $500 worth of stuff! (Including gift cards. Apparently, Target's registry system was acting up last week, so many guests just cut the middle man and got us gift cards.) I'm STUNNED at the things we got. Some of it was not exactly inexpensive. And, thankfully, everyone who bought things off-registry has very good taste, and everything looks like it will work very well for the boyo. Smile

The bad news:  In order to go to my parents' place this weekend, we had to road trip 3 hours away with all four large dogs in tow. Our regular dogsitters were headed out of town on a camping trip, and it just made more sense to bring our furbabies with us then try to kennel them last-minute. About halfway through the trip there, Oddball (our second youngest), started getting sick in the back seat, and didn't stop getting sick until we took her to my parents' vet on Saturday night. She had to stay overnight, and they still don't quite know what was making her so sick, but when we dropped her off, she hadn't kept down food or water for nearly 2 days. When we picked her up Sunday afternoon, she was spry, and energetic, and loving, and things looked like they were on the way back to normal. The IV fluids and meds apparently worked very well, as she was a completely different dog from the one we had left the night before.

Now that we're home? She's back to being lethargic and not wanting to drink. It's not time for her prescription food yet, so we'll see how that goes in a few minutes. I'm scheduled to take her to our own vet for a followup, so perhaps things won't be so bad after the appointment. 

I love all my babies, but Oddball is very special, as we happen to have her mother with us, too. We have quite literally had Oddball since before she was born, since we rescued her mother, Luna, when she was pregnant. This is a pic of my little golden fluff as a baby: 


If anything happens to her, especially before Junior gets here, I'm not sure I can handle it. I really don't. Sorry this got long, I just kinda had to vent. 


Amanda D. in NC Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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