2nd Trimester

Worrywart? (cross posted to 1st tri board)

Hi ladies. First, thanks for reading/answering my post. I really appreciate it. :)

So I'm a bit of a known worrier, just in general, and I know that no matter how educated I am on the subject in general and all that,a first time pregnant mom tends to freak out over every little thing...

So I'm nearly 13-weeks along. Had my 1st trimester screening two weeks ago tuesday, so right before my 11-week mark.

Got an ultrasound from my gp (since I had a little spotting around week-7 and was concerned).Doctor said the baby looked perfect. Measuring in right at 11-weeks, heartbeat strong and steady, implantation looked great and any natural early pregnancy rejection/miscarriage issues could be more or less thrown out the window by his opinion. (The little one even waved at us. *heartwarm*)

Great news right?

It totally was. It was then I decided to go public with the announcement to friends and family too.

But now, I'm 13-weeks (on Wednesday), my belly is still totally flat (I'm petite: 5'3, about 110 pounds), and I haven't gained any real weight yet.

The other night I had abdominal cramps and bowel movements like I've only ever had in the past while experiencing food poisoning.

I'm still just sort of crampy and uncomfortable.


Am I making myself sick with worry? Should I call my doctor/midwife and tell them how I'm feeling?


I just don't want to bother them if it's nothing. But above all, I just want my baby to be safe and sound.


What do you ladies think???
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